Bit visual glitches after firmware restoration

Hello! I have just recently bought the CircuitMess standard gaming bundle. I tried programming a little and then i restored the firmware. As I did that, everything looked newer, there was XP, newer game icons, challenges and a stacking game. But as I inserted Marv and played his game it began glitching. Marv’s movement, the obstacle movement and the numbers, all of them left “shadows”. The same happened when I inserted Bob and Mr. Bee! What do i do?

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Hey @Anonymous_853,

thank you for your message. We had slight problems with this, but now everything should be fixed.

Please try restoring the firmware again and then reconnect Marv to play a game.

Let me know if you continue to experience any problems.


Thank you, thank you so much! One more thing, I can’t charge my bit with a cable. Do I have to replace the batteries? Can I use rechargeable ones?

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Yes, you’ll have to change the batteries!