This kit was very easy to assemble. I did however, have some problems with the case. While assembling, a lot of unneeded weight started adding up because of the acrylic enclosure pieces. As soon as I had it built per the instructions, I took it apart and modified it to only have 2 panels each side. I flipped the speaker upside down and had it stick to the device and used a bit of double sided tape for the battery. This brought the weight down from ~8oz to ~5.8oz.
I believe a bit more time should have been done on enclosure design. Also would like to see the programming guide ready to go at the same time as the build.
- You can sand off the sharper edges of the acrylic with 220grit sandpaper to make it a bit nicer on while holding.
- I placed a sticker of rough Overture “3D print surface” that came free with some filament to cover the wires and battery and give some grip to the back. (since I took off the weight of the acrylic backing)
- Software was very well done and worked with no issues.
- Can load more games from the SD card, (very cool feature not even available/unlocked on Adafruit’s version)
- Good amount of starting games
- Very well done PCB layout/outline
- Heavy case had to modify
- Buttons are a bit to clickily (loud) and require a good amount of force, more silicone based ones next time?
- Battery port should be marked the silkscreen is a bit busy and makes it harder to make out parts of the board.