Can't connect my nibble to my computer

Me and my son have built the nibble and started to code, but when we try to connect it to our laptop it doesn’t do anything. Mt laptop doesn’t seem to recongnise the nibble at all.

All advice welcome.

Thanks in advanced


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Hi Marc,

thank you for reaching out.

Please send me the photos of the front and the back of Nibble without the casing so we can check where the issue is. You can send the photos via email at

Monika from CircuitMess

Thank you I have emailed you from my email address with the pictures.

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Hi @Isaac2009,

thank you for your prompt reply.

I’ve replied to your email; feel free to contact me if you have any questions about re-soldering. I’ll be happy to help you! :slight_smile:

Monika from CircuitMess

there is no notification. it must be turned on and if cuircuitblocks can see it then it good