we want to communicate between the ESP32 and the LORA LLCC68 chip, we would like to know :
*which SPI pins are used on the ESP32 side
*SPI library used
*LoRa library used
example of arduino source code to initialize the ESP32 of the chatter to communicate with the LORA LLC68 chip
by the way, what is the frequency of Lora 433-868?
You can find all the IO pins used in the device Arduino library: Pins.hpp. The pins defined with the prefix RADIO_ are used for communication with the LLCC68
We used Arduino for the stock firmware, so Arduino’s SPI library is used
The original Chatter has an antenna tuned for 868MHz, while the antenna on the Chatter 2, sold primarily in the US, is tuned for 815MHz.
You can find the source code for the stock firmware on our GitHub: CircuitMess/Chatter-Firmware. Specifically, the code for communicating with the LLCC68 using RadioLib is in the LoRaService class.
If you’re going to use Arduino to program your chatter, I recommend using our Arduino package which contains board definitions for all our devices and libraries used to program them, as well as all other libraries used in the stock firmwares. Using the package you can also compile the stock firmware yourself.
Just to encourage more people to start tinkering - I bought this great little devices and since I am in EU, I have to change the frequency back to 868 MHz. I was worried about changes and compiling the firmware but in total 15 minutes changed firmware was in place and working. I must say that is a great experience!
Anyway, maybe this frequency could be set in options? One more input dialog in settings page will do it, wouldn’t it?