CircuitMess Batmobile - join the hype train and get to know first when we launch

Welcome to the CircuitMess community forum!

Before I continue, a big announcement here :exclamation:

For the past 12 months, alongside STEM Box, I’ve been working on our greatest and most ambitious product yet :computer:

The product’s name is CircuitMess Batmobile™ and it’s an officially-licensed AI-powered DIY Batmobile kit. :bat: :bat:

This is our most complex project yet and it will teach you the most cutting edge technologies such as

  • machine learning :gear:
  • computer vision :eye:
  • digital image transmission :tv:
  • object recognition :blue_car:
  • Artificial intelligence :robot:
    while also making you feel like the Caped Crusader :bat: :gear: :robot: :eye: :desktop:

Subscribe here and we’ll notify you first when we launch: CircuitMess Batmobile - A DIY AI-powered car | Indiegogo :hand_splayed: :call_me_hand:

We have opened an exclusive VIP Discord channel and a Facebook group where I’ll be revealing all the tiny details about the product and asking you folks for feedback about the design and functionalities of the product.

:crown: VIP discord channel invite: Discord

:crown: VIP Facebook group invite: CircuitMess Batmobile VIP group | Facebook

I’ll see you there :slight_smile:

This community forum will stay active of course for all of our non-Batman products that we’ll continue to improve, update and support :love_letter: :love_you_gesture:

Ah, back to the community forum guidelines now:

- Who is it for?
This community was made with CircuitMess device users in mind, but having a CircuitMess device is not mandatory for joining the community.

Everybody who is interested in the projects and can contribute to discussions here is welcome.

- What can be found here?
All sorts of interesting things: questions, answers, tips, tricks, games, hacks, mods, etc…

- Where can I read more (links, resources, etc)?
If you need more info about CircuitMess and our devices, check out our official website at

Please make sure to follow some basic rules of the server:

  • Be polite! :slightly_smiling_face:
  • Be respectful of each other! :pray:
  • No scratching and pulling each other’s hair! :no_entry:
  • No spamming! :no_entry_sign:

All in all, let’s make sure we have fun and that everyone feels welcome! :slight_smile: :sparkles: :dove:

Have a pleasant stay and if you need anything, feel free to DM me :slight_smile:

-@albertgajsak from CircuitMess