🦇 CircuitMess Batmobile™ - welcome to the future of STEM education

Hi everyone, a big announcement here :exclamation:

For the past 12 months, alongside STEM Box, I’ve been working on our greatest and most ambitious product yet :computer:

The product’s name is CIrcuitMess Batmobile™ and it’s an officially-licensed AI-powered DIY Batmobile kit :bat: :bat:

This is our most complex project yet and it will teach you the most cutting edge technologies such as

  • machine learning :gear:
  • computer vision :eye:
  • digital image transmission :tv:
  • object recognition :blue_car:
  • Artificial intelligence :robot:

while also making you feel like the Caped Crusader :bat: :gear: :robot: :eye: :desktop:

Subscribe here and we’ll notify you first when we launch: https://circuitmess.com/coming-soon/ :hand_splayed: :call_me_hand:

We have opened an exclusive VIP Discord channel and a Facebook group where I’ll be revealing all the tiny details about the product and asking you folks for feedback about the design and functionalities of the product.

:crown: VIP discord channel invite: https://discord.gg/Byy6A9VtkQ

:crown: VIP Facebook group invite: https://www.facebook.com/groups/circuitmessbatmobile/

I’ll see you there :slight_smile:

This community forum will stay active of course for all of our non-Batman products that we’ll continue to improve, update and support :love_letter: :love_you_gesture:

-@albertgajsak from CircuitMess