Did some debugging/fixing, now Ringo won’t turn on

So I finished my build a long time ago, and initially the setup wizard was going fine until I got to the joystick, it would work moving up and to the right but not in any other direction. I then set it down for a long time (3 years?) because I didn’t feel like doing repairs and kinda forgot about it. Now today I tried to fix it but now nothing is turning on. I have charged it for a couple ours and I know it was charging because when I plugged in the charger a red LED flashed near the port. But a high pitched whine is also happening and when I hold down the on button nothing happens

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Hey @fast_jet,

sorry to hear your Ringo is not working anymore.

Our team will check into the issue you are experiencing and we’ll be back with the solution shortly.

Thank you for your patience,

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