Flashing Options for my bit!

So let me show u my idea:
Instead of having the sleep time option it has a button that says: Flashing Options
Pressing A will bring up buttons that say:

  1. Remove MicroPython
    This option requires a USB-C to USB adapter which then connects to USB and then once its selected it asks for the file, after selecting it it will bring up a warning screen saying that the mod will be deleted, are you sure you wanna remove micropython?
    They cant select A for 5 seconds. after 5 seconds if they select A the screen turns black and there is a text in the middle saying: Restoring and then the bin code will be transferred to the chip.
  2. Update Mod
    This option requires also a USB-C to USB adapter which then connects to USB and then once its selected it asks for the file, after selecting the update file it will verify the file by searching a specific signature at the start.
    If it isnt found it will say: Invalid Update File, please select the correct update file.
    If it is found it will say: Updating… and then the mod section will be deleted and it will copy the new mod section and once its finished it will say: Please Restart and once its restarted it shows Update Complete! and then it shows the normal menu.
  3. Reset Settings
    This option will reset all settings to the default.
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Nice idea! The storage might be a problem though, as the Bit has limited storage, so I’m not sure if circuitmess will be able to do that. But I love the idea and hope that they will be able to do it!

Hey @Petar,

thank you for this cool idea. Unfortunately, at the moment we are not able to work on such features as we have our hands full with a few new products and a Kickstarter campaign.

And actually it will be impossible. If im correct it seems like i am not getting any power when i use a USB-C to USB adapter onto a keyboard. The keyboard would have the RGB light. So seems like it will be impossible for the old ones to have 1. and 2. option. If they switch it out with one that actually sends power then yes it will be possible. But then millions of people would have to order a new USB-C adapter and then desolder the old one and solder the new USB-C.