Flashing Options for my bit!

So let me show u my idea:
Instead of having the sleep time option it has a button that says: Flashing Options
Pressing A will bring up buttons that say:

  1. Remove MicroPython
    This option requires a USB-C to USB adapter which then connects to USB and then once its selected it asks for the file, after selecting it it will bring up a warning screen saying that the mod will be deleted, are you sure you wanna remove micropython?
    They cant select A for 5 seconds. after 5 seconds if they select A the screen turns black and there is a text in the middle saying: Restoring and then the bin code will be transferred to the chip.
  2. Update Mod
    This option requires also a USB-C to USB adapter which then connects to USB and then once its selected it asks for the file, after selecting the update file it will verify the file by searching a specific signature at the start.
    If it isnt found it will say: Invalid Update File, please select the correct update file.
    If it is found it will say: Updating… and then the mod section will be deleted and it will copy the new mod section and once its finished it will say: Please Restart and once its restarted it shows Update Complete! and then it shows the normal menu.
  3. Reset Settings
    This option will reset all settings to the default.
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Nice idea! The storage might be a problem though, as the Bit has limited storage, so I’m not sure if circuitmess will be able to do that. But I love the idea and hope that they will be able to do it!

Hey @Petar,

thank you for this cool idea. Unfortunately, at the moment we are not able to work on such features as we have our hands full with a few new products and a Kickstarter campaign.