Jay-D programing function issue

Hi CircuitMess team,

I have couple question for you ?

Is there a way i can easily program only 1 function of the Jay-D on circuitblock without erasing all other functionalities ? Example : I am trying to just program new visual for the big matrix without altering other Jay-D functionalities. When doing so on circuitblock, only the programmed function worked since it is what i upload.
to make it simple, could i easily upload my own GIF in the flash ? could you tell me how to do so ?

this lead to the next question :
Could you distribute the whole source code ? I found the library on GitHub but not the whole project. this will help the creator to start with what you have done already and scale on it.

last question,
I read on this forum that we were speaking about an update to improve the Jay-D. Any update on when this will be release ?

Thank you for all the help, it is a great product to play with.

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Hi @Yamo,

Thank you for your questions.

We forwarded them to our development team, and they’ll answer as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience,
Monika from CircuitMess


Unfortunately, hot-swapping code isn’t possible on microcontrollers like the ESP32 powering the Jay-D. CircuitBlocks compiles and uploads a standalone binary containing only the code and blocks which you’ve built. To add new or change existing functionality of the stock firmware, you’d have to modify the firmware code, compile it and upload it to the device. Related to your second question, the firmware source code, as well as the library, is available on GitHub. All our software is free and open source, and you can find the code for all our devices and internal tools on our GitHub pages.

Binary data on the SPIFFS partition, containing images, animations, and gifs, are located in the data directory of the repository. You can use the ESP32 Filesystem Upload utility for the Arduino IDE to upload data onto the SPIFFS partition of your device. If you simply want to change the gifs playing on the LED matrix, just replace or edit the gif in the data directory and upload it using the mentioned utility.

As for the planned update for Jay-D, we don’t currently have a timeline when we’ll be able to push that out. All our programming resources are currently allocated on developing upcoming STEM Box devices, and we’ll get around to improving Jay-D once our schedules clears up a bit.

Happy tinkering!