New CircuitMess World platform!

Hi everyone! :slight_smile:

I’m proud to announce that we have finally launched our new learning platform - CircuitMess World!

Under the World section on our website (or here) you can find all of our tutorials in a much more tutorial friendly place! :smiley:

This platform allows you to see the difficulty and length of the tutorial, scroll through the chapters a lot easier, and learn some new tips and tricks for making both your Ringo and MAKERbuino better.

We’ve also expanded on our new CircuitBlocks tutorial, which will now give you the knowledge so you can make your own app, while also explaining the tricks of the newest CircuitBlocks version. :crayon:

There are a couple of new tutorials as well - the most interesting one being Drawing and importing sprites , which will teach you how to work with your own images and creations and put them on your new phone.

Sounds cool? :sunglasses: Just wait for our ‘Creations’ page to be finished, so that you can make your own tutorials for everyone else in the community as well! Until then, keep learning and keep making!

Cheers from the whole CircuitMess team :wave:


are the guides down? I am trying to start my makerbuino, and cant getthe instructions


Yes, the guides are unfortunately down, working on it to get it back up as soon as possible.

Here is the PDF file in the meantime that can be used -



I’m trying to find a place in the forum where we can get ideas and programs of other to share.
We just build a small Timer program with Spencer, i think it is worth to share or create some tutorial content.

Is the “creations” page available ?
