I have finally received my MAKERbuino kit and my soldering iron is not functioning. I have started by plugging it in my laptop but it didn’t work. Then I tried to plug it in the powerbank and still it is not working.
I was so excited to build my makerbuino but now I can’t.
Did anyone get the same issue? Any help???
Thank you!
I too had trouble with the soldering iron. Eventually, it turned out I was removing the plastic cover in the wrong way. It should be pulled up, and not unscrewed. If you unscrew it, the metal screw remains in the plastic cover, and the iron doesn’t work without that screw on. I figured it out through one youtube video found here on the forum. And btw, do not use a mobile phone charger to power it, you can burn out components if you use it like that. Plug it in a usb port on your computer
Hope it helps someone.
I have exactly the same problem: the soldering iron does not heating, connected to the PC or on 2A phone charger (but the light is on).
It does not matter, I used a friend’s soldering iron. My MakerBuino works fine
But I intend to buy one or two other Makerbuino in September. Maybe I could have another soldering iron to replace the one that does not work on my next order?
@Xav987, sorry for my late reply.
We’ve just moved our whole company to a new workspace so everything was in chaos here.
I am sorry to hear that and I apologize for us not detecting that problem in our quality control process.
Yes, I can send you an extra iron along with your new order. Did you make the order already? Please send me a private message or an email to contact@makerbuino.com with the order ID after you make your purchase.
I hope MakerBuino will become a big company in your new workspace!
I have just ordered a MAKERbuino multiplayer pack. I send you the order ID by email.
Hi…i am a new user here. I would like to suggest If you unscrew it, the metal screw remains in the plastic cover, and the iron doesn’t work without that screw on. I figured it out through one video found here on the forum. And btw, do not use a mobile phone charger to power it, you can burn out components if you use it like that. Plug it in a usb port on your computer.
@CoraDias, thank you for joining the MAKERbuino community.
Thank you for trying to help out here.
Correct, the ring mustn’t be unscrewed and since recently, we’re including a paper in all kits with tools explaining that.
We do recommend you to use your phone charger for powering the soldering iron and claim that you cannot destroy the components included in the MAKERbuino kit with the mains leakage from the USB soldering iron.
In fact, that leakage is present in almost all cheap soldering irons and is nothing to worry about.
Also, the build process was tested multiple times by us and our users to prove this.