"Upload error" occurs every time I upload simple program or reset firmware

I send a report from the title screen of CircuitBlocks, but let me paste several lines of it which are possibly useful for diagnosing the issue.

"details": "uploading error: exit status 2",
"stdout": [
  "esptool.py v3.0-dev\r\nSerial port COM3\r\nConnecting...",
  { omitted }
  "\r\n\r\nA fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP32: Timed out waiting for packet header\r\n"

Could you help me?

I’m not sure it’s related to the issue, but we successfully uploaded the same program from our OSX laptop several times before. Now we’re facing the issue on my Windows laptop.

During trying to upload programs using Arduino and its CLI, the issue has been solved :sweat_smile: I’m closing this topic.

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Dear @polikeiji I’m glad you’ve resolved the problem you were having! :slight_smile:

Dora from the CM

I am having this issue too. I built the Spencer today and it was working, uploaded (using CircuitBlocks) the heart.gif sample sketch, that worked. However, now Spencer won’t do anything but display the heart, the red button does nothing, and I cannot reset the firmware or anything. Tried Arduino and Platform.io and neither of those can connect.

CircuitBlocks gives the following error:


Platform.io gives me the following error:

serial.serialutil.SerialException: could not open port ‘COM4’: PermissionError(13, ‘Access is denied.’, None, 5)

@literalbest hey, thank you for supporting our work and I am sorry that you’re experiencing issues with CircuitBlocks.

Please go to the home screen, press the send error report button at the bottom of the screen, write down your error report ID and reach out to us via contact@circuitmess.com, include your error report ID and someone from our software team will get back to you and help out