Batmobile Wheels Broken & 3D Files & Motor Specs

Hi Team,
We’ve built the Batmobile and have managed to get it to work but have 2 wheels that are cracked. See image below.

We have a Bambu P1S 3D printer and can print the wheels and would like to ask for the wheel’s STP files to be able to print the wheels ourselves (instead of having to redesign them).

Do you have those? Alternatively, does anyone have or know of 3D models of just a basic wheel that has the same size connector for the Batmobile motors?

Finally, what are the motor specs (mainly the axle size)?

Thank you for your help,
Kind regards,

Hey @dumasderauly,

thank you for reaching out to us. Please contact us at with your order number and we’ll help you sort out this issue :slight_smile:


Done, thank you for your response.

If anyone else ever has this kind of issue. I’ve designed, printed and attached here an .stl file for a supplemental wheel for the Batmobile. I did this fast so my son could continue his work with the Batmobile and in the absence of an answer, hence the “slick” tire.

Hope this helps others.

Hey @dumasderauly,

thank you for sharing the file with everyone :slight_smile:


Update: here is another version with more space between the motor screws (longer axle) and a covered cap on the outside face. You can download it here.

The best print material to use is TPU for that rubber feel and more grip on hard surfaces.