Bit Issues

My Bit was easily assembled but was un able to be seen by chrome to program it. After a few months my pc started playing up. A reinstall of windows was required when I tried to connect on the fresh system I could connect and I wrote a couple of simple programs that worked while the bit was connected to the computer with circuit Blocks active but would not run my little program apon trying to program it again I was back to not being able to detect it in chrome and just trying to turn it on gives no output or fli (FLashing light info) I changed the Batteries still no Joy, have I bricked my Bit. Do I need drivers for my windows 10 or 11 system to connect to the bit and your other boards for using Arduino. I’ve leant from reading other topics that a different firmware is needed for the “wacky robot games” on the bit or to program it. previously when I did program it via codeblocks the code would not run from just the bit. Is this a problem with my setup or is that how it is designed. if that is by design do other boards have this design flaw/feature.

I hope that in a future version of your handheld game console the menu of games will include a user game choice so firmware doesn’t need to change to run user games / programs

Hi @kiera,

thank you for reaching out to us.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to have both the stock firmware and Micropython installed at the same time (the same goes for all other devices).

Please send us a bug report or contact us at so that we can help you fix the connection issue.
