Black screen on Nibble device

Hello there,

I have gotten the Nibble gaming device from CircuitMess yesterday and basically finished the soldering part. The problem is when i turn it on, it won’t really activate. I can see only a blue light lighting up behind the display and that’s it. I re-soldered the spots and made sure there is no connection between them, checked if the batteries are full and changed the fuse…
If anybody could and would help me, then i would be very thankful to you!
Thank you for taking your time to read this!

Same thing happened to me!
I to made a topic on this. I’m pretty sure that if you have a problem with you kit, you can email, and they will help you with your issue!

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Ah i see! Thank you very much for your reply and help! :slight_smile:

Hey @CoconutCooki, thank you for reaching out to us on the forum.
If you have any problems with your kit you contact us at


I have exactly the same issue, checked everything, checked every solder, no bridged contacts, swapped batteries and fuse.

When I switch on the Nibble I get two flashes of blue light from the central processor and then nothing.

I’m not an electrician but I’m guessing the blue light confirms the batteries and fuse are working and at least the soldering on the battery pack and switch is good.

I tried emailing contact and my messages get bounced back with a domain not found error :thinking:

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated

Hi, thank you for supporting our work.

Did you email us via

The email looks like it’s working fine to me

I tried and it didn’t work, I’ll try again now.

It may be a problemo with Gmail…

Update: I copied the email from another post but the original poster typed the email wrong and I didn’t spot it… must be the solder fumes :smile:

Thanks, we’ll reply ASAP

Try going to the CircuitBlocks app, then plug in your Nibble. Then, in the main menu, it should say “Restore Firmware”. Click on that, and select “Nibble” and wait for it to upload and then BAM. You are welcome :smiley: