I have a new Byteboi, just arrived for Christmas.
I’m seeing in the games menu and also inside games a frequent screen tearing, like every few seconds.
The vertical position of the tearing changes every time.
Is it normal or do I have a defective unit?
Here is a picture to make clear what I mean, taken while loading a game, I have others but I can only post one as new user to the forum:
It seems that the issue is related to the presence of music, or the presence of a timed routine to play music.
If I go to settings and turn the volume down to zero, I still get the tearing in the loading screen as in the picture in the previous post, BUT in games «Blocks» and «SpaceRocks» the issue does not show. If I turn up the volume again and launch those games, the issue is there again.
Hey, sorry for the late reply!
Unfortunately, this is a common issue that can occur when the software is trying to access the SD card and draw on the screen at the same time, such as during game loading.
Thank you for your reply, but I think that games «Blocks» and «SpaceRocks» do not access the SD card during the gameplay, that must be a different issue.
Here are pictures form inside the games, after loading completed:

thank you for your reply.
For all games that include music, the music is played directly from the SD card, including Tetris (Blocks) and Space Rocks. If you turn off the music, you’ll notice that there’s no screen tearing.
Thanks, that makes sense, it’s clear now.