Hello from Lithuania

Hi there. My name is Zilvinas, and i love DIY projects. While most people here, purchased and supported the cause, i went different route. Open source projects like these are the back bone of the community of makers and i want to thank tremendously that schematics are so obtainable and easy to recreate. While making mine from scratch, i encountered some problems. Most of them stem from the fact, that while buying a kit, most trouble shooting is already done, and your job is to assemble everything. My biggest problem was, makerbuino working like it was in slow motion. Which was cause by the fact, that flashing bootloader i did not set correct values for Fuse & lock bits. Which, resulted in microcontroler using internal oscillator which is by default set to a 1MHz instead of using external oscillator circuit of 16MHz. But with a help from @albertgajsak i got there eventually. Which is amazing, considering that i did not purchased item from him, but he helped me anyway. Which most companies would brush off. So thank you vert much @albertgajsak You are amazing. So i got my pcb printed, soldered everything and magic happened. Well now whats left to do is to print a 3d case for it :slight_smile: Some pictures for refference :sunny: Few other foot notes. Incase your atmega somehow gets damaged. Do not worry. Chances are that you can find in local electronic component shop. Costs up to 3$. So if you want it fast get it locally. While for me flashing with arduino IDE did not work (although i used USBasp as programer, using the arduino it self might worked, could not be bothered with it) i used AVRdude and USBasp as a programer. The correct values for Fuse & lock bits are mentioned with the booloader documentation in the redme file. Figures :smiley: Thanks again, and keep making.

Update, here is the 3d printed case :slight_smile:

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Hey @gillwiz, thank you for joining the forum!

Congratulations, you’ve done an amazing job here and your MAKERbuino looks really neat!

No problem for the help (although I didn’t do much, just gave you a few random advice :slight_smile:)!

This is the beauty of open-source technology and I was in a similar situation a few years ago when I was making
Gamebuino-inspired devices and was pretty amazed when Aurelien Rodot (the creator of Gamebuino) decided to help me with the design and become the first reseller of MAKERbuino.

Good luck with your future work and keep making! :wink:

Update. Just finished printing button caps. Picture for proof below. ORANGE caps are pla, GREEN - abs. But i might have to try out different materials. Because they create too much sound. I might still have some PET plastic. This should be more silent, at least i hope :smiley: