We accidentally restored ByteBoi firmware onto our Wheelson and now we cannot get Wheelson to respond. Wheelson only shows a connected indicator light when plugged into our PC, and the PC recognizes the usb connection fine. The problem is that now we cannot restore the proper software to our Wheelson. Wheelsons screen is completely blank.
Can anyone help us?
hey Benny,
thank you for reaching out.
Did your Wheelson worked properly before your restored the wrong firmware on it?
We were able to use all of the “stand alone” features of Wheelson. We were trying to connect our Byteboi to it and that’s when we loaded the wrong firmware onto the Wheelson. Now the computer recognizes that a device is connected when we plug it in, and there’s an indicator light on the Wheelson that turns on when we plug it in. But when we go to restore the Wheelson firmware the website shows a progress bar that never changes. We’ve left it for hours and no progress.
Thank you so much for responding, it means the world to my son 
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Hey @Benny_Christians,
thank you for your reply.
Could you please contact us at contact@circuitmess.com and we’ll resolve this issue for you?
Absolutely, I had sent a message before finding the support forum and had not heard back. I’ll send another now.
Thank you
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try going to github and installing the old app, they don’t recommend it because they discontinued it. But It always helps, since it also installs Arduino with it(command prompt does it on install) you can also use Arduino to fix. you just have to have the right libraries and board info