Wheelson/ByteBoi RC Connection issues (2024)

I am posting regarding a connection issue between ByteBoi and Wheelson. I am having the following issues:

  1. Wheelson and ByteBoi will not work together for RC use.

  2. Circuit Blocks Agent will not open on my PC

Both devices have gone through the “Restore Firmware” process through CircuitBlocks on my Google Chrome Browser.

In regards to issue 1, I have attempted each of the following with the results posted after each attempt (please note, there are 2 RC apps on my ByteBoi, one shows a circular arrow on the icon and one does not, I will refer to these as RC Circle, or RCC, and RC for clarity):

  1. Per a previous suggestion from CircuitMess, I opened RC on ByteBoi (hereafter called BB), clicked “Direct Connection” and opened the RC app on Wheelson at the same time - Result: Wheelson shows “connected”, BB shows “waiting for feed…”, both devices stay on these relative displays with no further response.

  2. Opened RC on BB and clicked “Direct Connection” BEFORE opening the RC app on Wheelson - Result: Wheelson shows “connected”, BB shows “waiting for feed…”, both devices stay on these relative displays with no further response.

  3. Opened RC on BB and clicked “Direct Connection” AFTER opening the RC app on Wheelson - Result: Wheelson shows “connected”, BB shows “waiting for feed…”, both devices stay on these relative displays with no further response.

  4. Opened RC on BB and clicked “External WiFi Connection” BEFORE opening the RC app on Wheelson - Result: Both devices display “Connecting” and stay on these relative displays with no further response

  5. Opened RC on BB and clicked “External WiFi Connection” AFTER opening the RC app on Wheelson - Result: Both devices display “Connecting” and stay on these relative displays with no further response

  6. Opened RCC on BB and clicked “Direct Connection” BEFORE opening the RC app on Wheelson - Result: Wheelson shows “connected”, BB shows “waiting for feed…”, both devices stay on these relative displays with no further response.

  7. Opened RCC on BB and clicked “Direct Connection” AFTER opening the RC app on Wheelson - Result: Wheelson shows “connected”, BB shows “waiting for feed…”, both devices stay on these relative displays with no further response.

  8. Opened RCC on BB and clicked “External WiFi Connection” BEFORE opening the RC app on Wheelson - Result: Both devices display “Connecting” and stay on these relative displays with no further response

  9. Opened RCC on BB and clicked “External WiFi Connection” AFTER opening the RC app on Wheelson - Result: Both devices display “Connecting” and stay on these relative displays with no further response

These are all the permutations I can think of. I confirmed my network information for “External WiFi Connection” is correct.

I have also emailed this information to CircuitMess Support, but any additional guidance and resources would be appreciated.

Hey @AndrewG,

thank you for reaching out.

There is no need for an agent, you can simply access CircuitBlocks on Google Chrome.

We will get back to you soon regarding the ByteBoi - Wheelson issue.
